The XCarnival team believes in the values of fair launch. The XCarnival protocol was developed independently, and the team only took necessary investments from outside investors for the entire period up until launch. We believe the majority of the token recipients should be those who help to contribute to the protocol.
Contract Address: 0x4be63a9b26EE89b9a3a13fd0aA1D0b2427C135f8
What can XCV token be used for?
XCV is XCarnival’s governance token.
Holders will be able to vote on key decisions for projects such as protocol parameters, rewards distribution, and the design of NFTs’ parameters. The governance function is scheduled to be implemented in Q1 of 2022.
XCV will capture platform economic benefits
There are multiple buyback mechanics to help XCV holders to capture protocol's economic benefits. More details will be announced soon.
XCV can be used in partner's scenes
Right now 3 partnership between XCarnival and others projects are under discussion. XCV holders can use XCV token to participate other projects and earn extra benefits. XCarnival is an infrastructure protocol and will definitely build up a huge partnership network in NFT and Metaverse Industry.
Last updated
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