XCarnival Intro

Slogan: XCarnival: The Metaverse Assets Liquidity Aggregator for Everyone

About XCarnival

XCarnival is a lending aggregator for Metaverse assets which offers innovative liquidity solutions for varieties of NFT and long- tail crypto assets.

What Is XCarnival Protocol?

XCarnival is a collateralized loan platform designed for Metaverse assets, which includes two functional modules, XBroker and Megabox. XBroker provides collateralized lending and borrowing in non-fungible tokens (NFTs), while Megabox targets non-mainstream tokens/altcoins. XBroker’s innovative P2P NFT lending platform allows borrowers a nd lenders to negotiate interest rates and loan amounts and pled ge their NFT assets in exchange for liquidity loans. When it comes to non-mainstream tokens, M egabox offers a unique split-pool collateralization rate mod el and risk control system and provides liquidity to users who hold long-tail asset tokens, thus expanding their revenue exposure.

Why Does This Matter?

NFTs and various non-mainstream functional tokens are an integral part of Metaverse, which is right on the verge of explosion. As advocated by XCarnival, in the near future, the belief that “everything is collateralizable” will be one of the most important and foundational ideas in the Metaverse epoch.

Despite the fact that the NFT market has yet to mature and that many projects have yet to reach value consensus (and thus have gone back to ground zero), we have found that a few projects have settled down and dived deeper in the field. For crypto projects, creating an asset that is accepted by collateralized loans will largely enhance their liquidity, which can also lead to greater consensus. It is therefore in this way that the XCarnival team hopes to make a valuable contribution and push the industry forward.

How To Participate?


Use XCarnival, participate in collateralized lending/borrowing, or hold XCV and contribute to the co-governance of our decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

*Community volunteers/ambassadors

Assist the project operation team in building localized and multi-lingual communities across the world.

*Code contributors

Participate in XCarnival’s bounty program on Immunefi with the chance to win prizes and our deep appreciation.


Collaborate with XCarnival for access to NFT loan whitelists and co-mining.

*Commenters Feel free to send us any suggestions or comments via Telegram, Twit ter, or email.

Last updated